Amar Kumar
Reiki Grand Master

Call Us : +91 98310 17775
24/1/1, Alipore Road, Kolkata - 700027

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Those having deep devotional feelings towards Reiki and really keen to attain mastership, are welcome. Even those residing outside Kolkata may apply. Mastership is only for teaching and training purpose and it takes about 3 years of overall intense Reiki practice. It is not recommended for others who want to practice Reiki for only healing purpose since unlimited healing capabilities are given in Reiki II level. Attaining mastership is not difficult but it requires consistent and dedicated working after attaining the Reiki II level.

Deserving candidates after enrollment, undergo training on "one to one" basis and are given mastership attunement when they are able to develop the right background. It requires self development with Reiki practice, a lot of healing experiences, communication, organising capabilities etc. to qualify for this.

Enrolled candidates are given overall support, guidance including opportunity to assist in the workshops by Reiki Master Teacher Amar Kumar and over period of time, when one acquires the right background, then he or she is offered mastership on payment of prevailing fees.

At Reiki Kendra , Reiki is practiced in its original form and energy transfer level is much higher. Attunement process followed is quite different and requires a certain background for a person to be able to do so .He or she is suitably trained to handle this higher level of energy during mastership training. Mastership training , Mastership training at Reiki Kendra is very different from all types of prevailing short cut methods being practiced in society and enrolled aspirants are trained regularly under 'Guru Shishya Prampara' for years and when they develop the right background, then only, mastership is awarded to them for teaching Reiki independently.

Reiki in its original form as given by the founder guru Dr. Mikao Usui, is different from Karuna Reiki, Hypno Reiki, Angel Reiki, Crystal Reiki, Short Reiki, Modern Reiki, Maha Reiki, Shiva Reiki, Money Reiki, Kundalini Reiki, Lama Fera Reiki, Gold Reiki etc. In most of the short cut methods any one can become a Reiki Master in a few days/weeks.

Enrollment Fees - Rs 20,000 ( Deductible from prevailing Mastership Fees )

Call us at - 98310 17775
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Reiki Kendra
24/1/1 Alipore Road
Kolkata 700027